Monday, January 5, 2015

Off-season week 4, day 1 - Deadlift day (deficits)

Deadlift day!!! 

1" deficit pull: 

405 x 5 
455 x 3 (heaviest I've ever went with deficits, gonna pull 500 x 3 for a deficit PR next) 

Rack pulls: 

225 x 5 
315 x 5 
405 x 3 
445 x 5 

Bent over rows: 

3 x 12 


4 x 25 

Band good mornings: 

3 x 15 

Core work: 

100 reps 

Off-season week 3, day 4 - Accessory day

Accessory day! 

Military press: 

135 x 10 
165 - 3 x 8 
135 x 15 

Band side laterals superset with band front raises: 
3 x 12 
3 x 12 

Face pulls: 

3 x 20 

Dips superset with press downs: 

3 x 12 
3 x 15 

Bent over rows superset with lat pulldowns: 

3 x 12 
3 x 15 

Barbells curls: 

5 x 20 

Core work: 

100 reps 

From here on out military press day will look similar to this far as the supersets go, want to up the intensity and volume and treat this like a true bodybuilding day. 

Off-season week 3, day 3 - squat

Squat day! 


335 - 2 x 8 

Paused squat: 

275 x 3 
315 x 3 
365 x 3 
405 x 3 

Lunges : 

3 x 25yds 

Kettle bell swings: 

3 x 15 

Core work: 

100 reps 

Finished out with sprints for cardio!!!